The Chandler C of E Junior School

Year 4

Autumn Term

In the Autumn Term, our topic is What Lies Beyond? where our focus is Geography. This will equip children with the knowledge about diverse places, people and natural and human environments.

Spring Term

In the Spring Term our focus is on History looking at Egypt. This is an in-depth study of ancient Egypt and their civilisation. We begin by locating the Ancient Egyptians on the timeline followed by investigating how the Ancient Egyptians were grouped in a hierarchical society. We learn about their lives, Gods, mummification and the building of pyramids.

Summer Term

In the summer our focus is on Mayans and Rainforests.


Homework is given out on a Friday and should be back in school by the following Wednesday. We encourage the children to spend no more than 20 minutes on their homework.

Homework club is on a Tuesday and Friday lunchtime should the children need it.

Reading – please ensure that children read at home at least 5 times a week and initial/sign their bookmarks to reflect this.


Year 4 PE takes place on Tuesday mornings and children should come into school wearing their PE kit.

Parent info Year 4 Autumn Term 2023.pdf

Parent info Year 4 Spring Term 2024.pdf