The Chandler C of E Junior School

Teaching for Learning

Our Aims

Accepting our pupils as children of God, we aim to ensure that each child is given every opportunity to fulfil their potential.

We believe that good teaching is philosophical in purpose – aimed at developing wisdom through better understanding and appreciation. We learn through concept construction. It is also philosophical in process; it practises the skills of enquiry, dialogue, reasoning and reflection.

We provide a safe, secure, caring and responsive Christian environment in which each individual can develop academically, socially, creatively, spiritually and morally.

We aim for our pupils to become fully equipped for the challenges of life in an advancing technological world and an integrated society.

We value all achievements, talents and interests and recognise the importance of the development of the “whole” child through the setting of high expectations and a challenging and creative curriculum.

Our Teaching for Learning Policy 


Teaching for Learning Policy